秦培武博士,生物医药与健康工程研究院pi,博士生导师。研究方向生物物理、生物光子学、医学影像人工智能、智慧医疗器械开发。05年获中科院分子发育生物学硕士学位,08年获美国东北大学物理化学硕士学位,13年获美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚生物物理博士学位与统计硕士学位,13-18年在加州大学伯克利分校博士后,现在任职在清华大学深圳国际研究生院。目前已在Cell、Nature Communications、EMBO reports等杂志发表文章十余篇。
1) 年龄35周岁以下,博士毕业两年以内。
2) 具有细胞生物学、生物化学、生物医学工程、物理、电子工程、计算机等相关专业博士学位,具备扎实的专业基础知识。
3) 品学兼优、身体健康、富有团队合作精神、热爱科学研究、具有严谨科学态度、且可以全职从事博士后研究工作的人员。
4) 具有良好的英文水平,在知名刊物上以第一作者身份发表过2篇以上学术论文。
1) 本人简历(请包括:出生年月、从大学起教育背景、工作简历、科研成果、通讯地址及联系电话等);
2) 能反映本人学术水平的有关材料,如:论著目录、代表性论文、获奖情况、未来研究计划等。
3) 三位海内外同行的联系方式。
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to check the introduction.
Peter Lobie obtained a B.Med.Sci. (Distinction) and M.B.,B.S, (Medicine and Surgery, First Class Honours) in 1992 from the University of Queensland in Australia. He was awarded the highest accolade from the University in the form of a University Medal. His postdoctoral work was undertaken at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden where he also obtained his doctoral degree (PhD). He has consecutively held faculty positions in Sweden, Singapore and New Zealand. He was also New Zealands first chair of Breast Cancer funded by the Breast Cancer Research Trust. He also is author of over 170 publications and is an international authority on molecular mechanisms of hormone action with more than 7400 citations and a h-factor of 53. Recent emphasis in his laboratory has focused on the capacity of specific secreted proteins to initiate or progress cancer and thereby evaluation of individual molecules for their potential therapeutic application.
Vijay Kumar Pandey
2006.9-2010.3, Ph.D., Molecular Medicine, University of Auckland, New Zealand (NZ). Thesis title: ‘Secreted oncogenes in human endometrial carcinoma’.
2000.6-2003.5, M.Sc., Microbiology, University of Pune, India.
Dissertation title: ‘Enhancement, optimization and purification of b-galactosidase from Aureobasidium pullulans’.
1996.6-1999.5, B.Sc., Microbiology, Sardar Patel University, India
Awards & Scholarship:
2009 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Dept. of Human & Molecular Genetics, VCU, USA
2009 Travel Award, 21st Lorne Cancer Conference, Lorne, Australia
2007, 2008, 2009 Travel Award, National Research Centre for Growth and Development (NRCGD), NZ
2006 International Doctoral Scholarship, NRCGD, NZ
A postdoctoral position is available immediately for highly motivated Ph.D. graduates with background in oncology, molecular or cellular biology, biochemistry or other related fields who are interested in deciphering functions and targeting of oncogenic proteins in the context of cancer. The laboratory has developed a number of patented and novel drugs to novel therapeutic targets in oncology and the preclinical development and characterization of these drugs in various clinical contexts will form the basis for the programme. The successful candidate will help to design experiments, conduct experiments, analyse data, write papers, write grants, mentor students, and compete for fellowships.
1) A Ph.D. in cancer biology or related area, the doctoral degree obtained within 2 years;
2) Be under the age of 35 and physically adequate;
3) Expertise in DNA and protein biology (including work on oncogenic proteins and transcription factors) is preferred;
4) Strong background and working knowledge of basic molecular and cellular biology techniques such as cell culture, cloning, real-time PCR and western blotting;
5) Any experience with animal modelling, analyses of human clinical samples, is highly desirable;
6) Experience in drug development, mechanisms and interactions;
7) A proven track record in the form of publications in international English language journals;
8) Ability to communicate in written and spoken English.
Applications should include full curriculum vitae, publication list, and names and contact information of 3 referees. Please also include a summary of your research experience and a brief paragraph on why you want to join the Lobie lab.
Prof. Peter E. Lobie
Email: pelobie@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn
Dr. Vijay Pandey
Email: vijay.pandey@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn
1) 学校将为博士后提供具竞争力的薪酬待遇,根据个人和学术情况,综合年薪30万元起(含深圳市补贴);
2) 学校为博士后提供开放包容的学术氛围、良好的办公环境,实验设备和科研环境支持,包括科研资助2万元。实验室支持博士后作为负责人申请各类基金,包括博士后科学基金,自然科学基金等;
3) 支持符合条件的同学申请深圳市高层次人才补贴,补贴金额160-300万不等,
3) 协助出站留深从事科研工作符合条件的博士后可申请三年共计30万元的科研资助,符合条件者可认定为深圳市高层次人才;